Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Solving the deficit

The chairman of the Committee for Economic and Financial Policy of the CEOE, Jose Luis Feito, has found the remedy the deficit, since the item of unemployment benefits is most important. Admittedly, the measure could lead, without any doubt, to compete for the Nobel laureate himself.

It is that any unemployed person refuses a job offer will be withdrawn automatically entitled to collect unemployment benefits. Although, according to his own words, the job is located in Lapland (far away from Spain, of course).

The hypothesis is that the unemployed are lazy they would rather be at home to work, prefer loafing and receiving a grant to work with the country's progress, they prefer to stay with a handout to earn his salary through effort.

Personally I think the vast majority of unemployed in this country, first it is not by choice, and second, the rejection of a job can be given at a time when no jobs and the unemployed know that if you can wait a little longer to find a placement in better condition than it offered. I do not think we're in this situation and all unemployed person know that, or take what comes, whatever it is, or there will be a second chance.

The verbiage and lack of sensitivity seems to have been installed in certain sectors of the CEOE, not realizing that there are now many people who have a hard and are not directly responsible for that to happen.

To say that we have to accept a job even in Lapland shows that the worker is not known in our country, a few days ago we saw a story on the failure of many Spanish who have gone to find work in Norway and live on charity. I do not think will be a problem is a problem that no work.

Anyway, as has its charms, solves the problem permanently, to Gerona unemployed are offered a job in Huelva, to La Coruna in Murcia, the Canary Islands from Madrid, engineers work mason and bricklayers pilot work and so on, certain that the deficit is reduced but not unemployment.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mediterranean axis and carnival

There should be a product of chance that one of the most budget ministers handled has been dropped by Barcelona during the week of Carnival.

Carnival is fun anticipating the period of Lent, dates on which Christians are taking a hard period of reflection and penance before the week of passion (Easter).

The carnival comes probably from pagan festivals like the feast of Dionysus Greek or Roman the Bacchanalia. A festival in other words.

Well, in this healthy environment, we had the visit of Mrs. Pastor, who before the cluster of accidents in the suburban rail network in Barcelona, ​​has come with its cornucopia before "Mardi gras" and has offered, bountiful, plenty of investment (on paper) to unclog the delays endemic to the rail network in Catalonia. Among others also came to reaffirm the government's interest in promoting the Mediterranean axis, the structure of vital importance not only for Spain but throughout Europe, as it would bind using a communication channel, high-capacity North Africa through Morocco to northern Europe.

So far nothing abnormal, the problem has jumped at once that the minister has removed the mask to say, pleased himself, that central government support as a priority the construction of railway infrastructure, but instead of using the natural step of the Mediterranean, which also includes the most important Spanish ports from the point of view of commercial activity, Valencia, Tarragona and Barcelona, ​​would support a priority axis passing through Madrid and then through the Pyrenees. The crossing of the Pyrenees would be done through a tunnel of new construction of over 40 km long and budgeted (now) at over 6,000 million euros.

The problem is not, as the minister said that in other parts of Spain are also entitled to be a priority, because that experience and have lived with the AVE that we have mistaken for the Metro. This is rationally make the investment needed to boost the country and be competitive. Pass the train through the center of Spain is not an efficient decision and Brussels, reject it last year.

All you get with this nonsense is that large projects will always stop to have clear ideas and entertain least try to please everyone. At the end is always a question of leadership, as in previous years, you are missing a lot right now.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

You're fired

Well, that's it. It has reduced the dismissal. Now, it's time to create jobs. There are no excuses.

Nor was there before. In fact, new workers covered by the guarantee of 45 days, at present, practically nonexistent. Those who are hired after the publication in the BOE is going to hurt, so far worth 45.

There is no doubt that the duality of the Spanish labor market is tightening (or was) and that this prevented the fixed and favored the hiring of temporary chain. But the measures taken today are not going to lower the unemployment rate, not even going to arrest the further deterioration. It's a long-term measure and for now, and for a long time, there will be no results.

But it's media. It was seen on camera Guindos staging his "petit committee." Please.

Unemployment decreases with growth in Spain, historically, it takes 2 points of GDP growth to reduce unemployment by one point. Do the calculations, 25% unemployment means ...... phew.

The other element is to reduce unemployment with competitiveness, and as we will not compete with emerging economies (or with the Germans if they charge at 1 € per hour) we will have to, investing in R & D, ie knowledge. But, there's always a but, if we not invest when we could invest, did we do now? No, now we cut spending and firing people. Always pro-cyclical measures. When will we learn?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Today I read the professor Estapé article posthumous and would like to share. Probably not his best article but if that proves once again that irony, intellectual rigor and independence of judgment of which he always had shown, had not abandoned and remained so "fine" as ever.
I remember with nostalgia the lectures I had the opportunity to enjoy the faculty of economics: its faculty. His deep economic knowledge and personality made ​​them to be a real intellectual enjoyment, encyclopedic knowledge, humanism and the bonhomie of which he displayed have been a reference for many of us intellectual.
A heartfelt remembrance.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Chapter 11 killer's

The last failure in Spain again shows that bankruptcy is not nothing but a liquidation form.
While in other countries is a tool for companies to have a period of time unless the demands of creditors and can successfully renegotiate a viability plan, see the recent case of American Airlines or Delta Airlines presented the "chapter 11 "in September 2005, to cite two examples in the industry, here in Spain bankruptcy has only served to liquidate the company, in fact the ultimate goal of most companies that use this procedure (Air Madrid, Air Comet).
The insolvency regulation, although recently renovated, looking more preserve the rights of creditors that the viability of the company, much more complicated, both for the vast majority of "bankruptcy administrators" basically legal training, the Spanair has gone to "touch" to a law firm controlled by the Gispert Group "curiously" related with the president of the Catalan Parliament, to the managers of the companies seeking, as it seems in this case, throw in the towel after failing the resource who have been welcoming in recent times, institutional manna.
The other big difference with the suspension of payments that have been able to regain economic viability is presented in a reasonable long before the box is dry, because then if it is impossible to reverse.
It's a shame that an instrument used elsewhere to revive companies in crisis, something that is outside the normal business, here becomes a purely administrative procedure to close a new company more.